Monday, December 8, 2008

Varsity Boys' Monday Info, etc.

We have late practice tomorrow. We will hopefully get in the water at 5:15 and be out at 7:30ish. By now parents that pick their swimmers up probably realize that we usually run a couple of minutes behind in getting out of the pool. Use the time after school before practice wisely. If you have homework to do, work on it then. If you do not have any homework and would like to help run the meet by timing or learning the Colorado or Hytek systems, that is great as well.

Our first meet is coming up this Thursday. I am looking forward to seeing everyone lay it on the line in a meet. We can talk about going fast under any conditions and pushing ourselves for the team but Thursday, the rubber begins to hit the road. Please be on deck by 5:15 with your suits on ready to roll. There are usually things around the pool that need to get finished up before we start our warm-up and we need to have a little talk before those things start.

West Michigan Relays Info - December 20:
The meet is at Jenison High School Pool at 2140 Bauer Rd., Jenison, 49428.
Diving Warm-ups Start: 8:00 am - Coach VW will let you know what time your leaving here.
Diving Starts: 10:00 am
Swimmers leave our pool: 11:30 am
Swimming Warm-up Starts: 12:00 pm
Swimming Starts: 1:30 pmThe meet should last between 3 and 4 hours. It is always tough to tell how long the meet will take. This meet is a great opportunity to swim around a bit and have fun going fast!

We had 15 boys at practice this morning, which is great. Hopefully that group continues to commit to making morning practices work. It takes discipline to wake at 5:00 in the morning and still get the required sleep in. This morning we were able to get a good 3,800 aerobic yards in before most of your classmates were even awake. Mornings are a great opportunity to put in those extra yards and will really pay off. We need to have a good aerobic base to work off from for the rest of the season to go as planned.

One of our core covenants for the year is The Unit. This means that each one of us is willing to give to the team the best of ourselves for the betterment of the whole. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that this also means that you take care of yourself and make appropriate decisions outside of the pool as well. Dressing appropriately in cold weather (including a hat), getting enough sleep, proper nutrition, wise choices, and time management are all examples of what we can do as individuals to make our team better. With your decisions outside of the pool, I want us to ask ourselves if what we are doing is hurting the team...or better yet is what we are doing making the team better.

I had a great time Saturday in our coaches advancement session thinking about the philosophy and ideals of our program. One thing that was brought up is that if we ignore things that are detrimental for our team, we are encouraging those behaviours to continue to happen. I want us as a team to not ignore teammates not doing what is best for our team. This is easy to say but hard to do. This is not just the job of the coach or the captains. This job is for all of us to keep each other honest.

I am hoping to post new quotes or sayings every Monday throughout the season that we can think about and apply to our own team. I am kind of cheating this time as I had used this one in an earlier post before our season even started but you can look back at what was said then by clicking here. The quote is...

If we are to be champions, we must rehearse daily chamionships within ourselves.

We can easily say these words. However, this is something that we need to practice every day. We can not expect to show up three months from now at our big meet and have everything go perfectly if we have not practiced in this manner every day. This is a challenge for all of us. We are not champions by default. It is hard to be the best at something and it doesn't happen by chance. We must work hard and practice perfectly for it to happen!



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